• Samad Said - Janda Setinggan

    Katanya: Derita itu aku. Dirinya cemas diterjah usia dalam kabus belasungkawa, dia tergigau hampir seminggu diancam lipan, angin dan debu yang sama. Desa bahagia, derita.

  • Samad Said - Nikmat

    Segala yang dihasrat, tapi tak didapat adalah nikmat yang paling padat.

  • Samad Said - Ombak

    Ombak yang menjamah kakiku sekali takkan dapat kukenali lagi..

  • Samad Said - Bahasa Terindah

    Sesudah demikian lama dicintai, sukarlah dilupakan. Inti pengalaman, kepedihan; akar kerinduan keresahan… Memang begitu banyak diperlukan kekuatan, kepangkalan batin, rakit ditambatkan bara kenangan dikuatkan .

  • Samad Said - Tetamu Senja

    Kita datang ini satu roh satu jasad, Bila pulang nanti bawa bakti padat berkat, Kita datang ini satu roh satu jasad Bila pulang nanti bawa bakti padat berkat .

Puisi - Khutbah Rasul Sebelum Ramadhan

O People! The month of Allah (Ramadhan) has approached you with His mercy and blessings. This is the month that is the best of all months in the estimation of Allah. Its days are the best among the days; its nights are the best among the nights. Its hours are the best among the hours.

This is a month in which he has invited you. You have been, in this month, selected as the recipients of the honors of Allah, the Merciful. In this holy month, when you breathe, it has the Sawab/thawab (heavenly reward) of 'Tasbeeh' (the praise of Allah on rosary beads), and your sleep has the thawab of worship.

Your good deeds are accepted in this month. So are your invocations. Therefore, you must invoke your Lord, in right earnest, with hearts that are free from sins and evils, that Allah may bless you, observe fast, in this month, and recite the Holy Quran.

Verily! The person who may not receive the mercy and benevolence of Allah in this month must be very unfortunate having an end as bad (in the Hereafter). While fasting, remember the hunger and thirst of tomorrow in Qiyamat. Give alms to the poor and the needy. Pay respects to your elders.

Have pity on those younger than you and be kind towards your relatives and kinsmen. Guard your tongues against unworthy words, and your eyes from such scenes that are not worth seeing (forbidden) and your ears from such sounds that should not be heard by you.

Be kind to orphans so that when your children become orphans they also may be treated with kindness. Do invoke that Allah may forgive your sins. Do raise your hands at the time of Salat (Prayers), as it is the best time for asking His mercy. When we invoke at such times, we are answered by Him, when we call Him, He responds, and when we ask for anything, it is accepted by Him.

O People! You have made your conscience the slave of your desires; make it free by invoking Him for Istighfar (repentance/forgiveness). Your back is breaking under the heavy load of your sins, so prostrate before Him for long intervals and make it lighter.

Do understand fully well that Allah has promised in the name of His Majesty and Honor that He will not take to task such people who fast and offer Salat in this month and perform 'sajda' (prostration), and will guard their bodies against the Fire of Hell on the Day of Judgment.

O People! If anybody amongst you arranges for the Iftar (food for the ending of the fast) of any believer, then Allah will give him a reward as if he has set free a slave. He will forgive his minor sins.

Then the companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "But everybody amongst us does not have the means to do so?"

Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) told them: -- Keep yourself away from the Fire of Hell, by inviting for 'Iftar', though it may consist of only half a date or simply with water if you have nothing else. O People! Anybody who may cultivate good manners in this month will walk over the 'Siraat' (Bridge) in 'Qiyamat', though his feet may be shaking.

Anybody who in this month may take light work from his servants (male or female), Allah will make easy his accounting on the Day of Judgment.

Anybody who does not tease others in this month, Allah will keep him safe from His wrath in Qiyamat. Anybody, who respects and treats an orphan with kindness in this month, Allah shall look at him with dignity in Qiyamat. Anybody who treats well his kinsmen, in this month, Allah will bestow His mercy on him in Qiyamat, while anybody who maltreats his kinsmen in this month, Allah will keep him away from His mercy, in Qiyamat.

Salat and salamWhoever offers 'Sunnat' (Recommended) prayers in this month, Allah will give him a certificate of freedom from Hell. Whosoever offers one 'Wajib' Salat in this month, for him the Angels will write the rewards of 70 such prayers, which were offered by him in any other months.

Whosoever recites repeatedly 'Salat and salam (Salawat)' on me, Allah will keep the scales of his deeds heavy, when in Qiyamat the scales of others will be tending towards lightness.

Whosoever recites in this month only one 'Ayat' (verse of the Holy Quran), he will be rewarded in a manner as if he had recited the full Holy Quran in the other months.

O People! The Gates of Paradise remain opened in this month. Do invoke that the gates may not be closed on you, while the Gates of Hell are closed. Do invoke that these gates may never be opened. During this month Shaitan (Satan) is imprisoned so ask your Lord not to let him have power over you.

{Riwayat Ali bin Abu Thalib)


Masih Adakah Sahabat Sejati

Manusia secara fitrah suka bermasyarakat dan berkawan. Mungkin secara terpaksa kerana keadaan kehidupan manusia itu memaksa manusia itu bermasyarakat dan berkawan. Manusia tidak seperti malaikat atau haiwan atau pokok kayu yang boleh hidup bersendirian kerana keadaan manusia itu tidak mungkin boleh mengusahakan sendiri setiap keperluan-keperluan kehidupan mereka.

Pengalaman atau realiti kehidupan mengajar bahawa sebahagian kehidupan kita, orang lain yang mengusahakannya. Begitulah sebaliknya. Secara langsung mahupun atau tidak manusia tidak boleh lari dari bermasyarakat atau berkawan.

Kawan atau kenalan mungkin mudah dicari tetapi seorang sahabat itu ibarat sebutir permata di antara pasir. Sifat yang ada di dalam diri manusia itu yang kadangkala menjadi punca payah hendak bersahabat atau setelah bersahabat, berpecah kerana perangai negatif masing-masing.

Sekalipun mudah mendapat kenalan sekampung, kenalan disebuah sekolah, kenalan dalam sebuah darjah, kenalan di tempat kerja, kenalan di dalam sebuah organisasi atau kenalan sepermainan, tetapi untuk mendapat seorang sahabat pun amat susah sekali.

Bersahabat tidak sama dengan berkawan. Berkawan itu ikatan di antara manusia yang agak longgar. Mungkin kawan sepermainan sahaja. Diikat oleh permainan yang sama. Mungkin kawan sekerja. Di luar waktu kerja, tidak lagi berkawan. Sekadar itu sahaja. Mungkin kawan senasib. Apabila nasib sudah tidak sama, hilanglah kawan. Masing-masing membawa nasib. Selepas itu tidak ingin pun hendak bertemu lagi.

Memang untuk mendapat seorang sahabat amat payah. Terlalu sulit. Buktinya dari pengalaman kita, sama ada diri kita atau orang lain, tidak ada yang dapat berkawan dengan seseorang itu berpanjangan. Adakalanya kita boleh berkawan waktu sama-sama bersekolah di sebuah sekolah. Selepas habis persekolahan, tidak pun ingin bertemu.

Waktu sama-sama di tempat kerja, kita rapat. Selepas berpisah, sama ada tukar tempat kerja atau pencen, tidak ada pun satu sama lain ingin bertemu lagi. Kalau bertemu pun secara tidak dirancang dan diduga. Mungkin juga kerana suasana dan keperluan yang berbeza menyebabkan persahabatan itu jauh. Masalah di tempat kerja pun tidak sama jadi komunikasi di antara sahabat menjadi renggang. Adakalanya kita berkawan rapat dengan seseorang. Selepas dia berkahwin atau kita berkahwin atau setelah sama-sama sudah berkahwin, lalu hilang kawan. Tidak ada pun minat hendak bertemu dan berjumpa. Jauh sekali terasa rindu-merindui, hingga hubung-menghubungi, ziarah-menziarahi dan beri memberi. Tiada lagi hadiah-menghadiahkan, tolong-menolong dan bantu-membantu.

Ertinya susah sekali kita melihat seseorang itu bersahabat dengan seseorang sampai ke hujung yang sempadannya adalah mati. Sekalipun sudah menjadi lumrah atau budaya, selalu sahaja seseorang itu berkata: Dia ini sahabat saya.

Sedangkan fitrah semula jadi setiap manusia memang suka berkawan atau cenderung berkawan. Kerana hidup bersendirian tanpa kawan, banyak cacat dan kesusahan yang dihadapi manusia. Manusia yang banyak kawan, lebih ceria dan riang hidupnya daripada orang yang hidup bersendirian. Sebab itulah tabiat manusia suka berkawan. Walaupun begitu manusia ini selalu sahaja dapat kawan dan kemudian hilang kawan. Kawan silih berganti.

Jika berkawan amat payah hendak kekal hingga mati. Mengapa?

Berkawan itu ada kepentingan peribadi.
Sama ada kedua-dua orang yang berkawan atau salah seorangnya ada kepentingan peribadi. Mungkin berkawan kerana kekayaan orang itu, atau kerana kekuatan orang itu yang mana kalau ada musuh, boleh tumpang berlindung atau menumpang pengaruhnya. Apabila tujuan tersebut sudah tiada lagi, berkawan sudah tidak diperlukan lagi.

Berkawan dengan sebab seagama, sebangsa, sekaum, sekampung, senegeri dan lain-lain.
Berkawan apabila bertemu dengan orang yang satu kaum atau satu kampung atau satu negeri atau satu bangsa atau seagama (walaupun agamanya tidak dipraktikkan) di negeri atau negara lain yang asing pada mereka. Di waktu itu mungkin mereka tidak boleh sesuaikan diri di segi agama,bahasa, bangsa atau budaya di situ. Maka di waktu itu mereka amat rapat berkawan kerana satu sama lain perlumemerlukan lantaran sama-sama berdagang di negeri atau di negara orang. Setelah berpisah atau setelah sama-sama balik ke negeri sendiri, walaupun bertemu tetapi hubungan rapat sudah tiada lagi.

Kawan kongsi
Berkawan kerana berkongsi berniaga atau berternak untuk hidup. Selama berkongsi bolehlah berkawan. Apabila sudah tidak berkongsi lagi, satu sama lain sudah macam orang lain sahaja. Tidak serapat dulu.

Kawan seasrama
Berkawan waktu sama-sama duduk di asrama. Kebetulan pula berkongsi di dalam satu bilik atau duduk di pondok pengajian di dalam satu bangunan. Sama-sama memasak dan mentelaah. Setelah habis pengajian, berkawan sudah tidak berlaku lagi. Seolah-olah macam kenalan biasa walaupun masih selalu bertemu.

Kawan kerana takut
Berkawan kerana duduk di satu kawasan yang banyak berlaku jenayah. Oleh kerana takut bersendirian maka terpaksa berkawan. Setelah jenayah sudah tiada atau masing masing berpindah, masing-masing membawa diri. Kalaupun masih boleh bertemu tetapi tidak serapat dahulu.

Mengapa berkawan seperti yang digambarkan tadi tidak pernah kekal ?. Mengapa berkawan tidak berpanjangan?

Konsep kawan tidak kekal kerana ikatan tidak kuat. Ia diikat oleh perkara luaran. Diikat oleh keperluan semasa. Diikat oleh keadaan yang memaksa. Ia bukan dijalin oleh ikatan hati yang mempunyai akidah yang sama, ada hubung kait dengan Tuhan yang kekal abadi dan untuk kepentingan kedua sahabat yang berkekalan hingga sampai ke Akhirat.

Dengan kata-kata yang lain, ia bukan ikatan hati dua orang yang berkawan kerana Allah Taala. Orang yang berkawan kerana Allah Taala, kalau berpisah pun kerana Allah Taala. Suka dan benci pun kerana Allah Taala.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
Maksudnya: "Tiadalah dua orang yang saling cinta mencintai kerana Allah itu, melainkan yang lebih dicintai Allah itu, orang yang lebih banyak cintanya pada rakannya."

Bersahabat kerana Allah Taala, ikatan amat kuat sekali. Ia diikat oleh satu akidah. Ia berkawan tidak ada kepentingan dunia yang sementara ini. Mereka bersahabat kerana iman, akhlak dan kerana ketaqwaan. Bersahabat seperti ini adalah kuat ikatannya. Biasanya sampai mati.

Bersahabat seperti ini mendapat perlindungan di Mahsyar dari Allah Taala yang mana hari itu tidak ada perlindungan melainkan perlindungan dari Allah Taala. Sabda Rasulullah SAW:

Maksudnya: Cinta kasih-Ku terlimpah di atas mereka yang berkasih sayang kerana-Ku. Akan Kunaungi mereka di bawah naungan Arasy pada hari Kiamat yang mana pada hari itu tiada naungan melainkan naungan-Ku."(Riwayat Abiddunya)

Orang yang benar-benar bersahabat ada beberapa peringkat:

Sahabat secara umum
Iaitu sahabat yang berada di dalam satu perjuangan Islam atau di dalam sebuah jemaah Islam yang bercita-cita menegakkan Islam di dalam kehidupan individu, rumah tangga, masyarakat, negara dan seterusnya alam sejagat.

Sahabat secara khusus
Sahabat secara khusus iaitu orang yang bersahabat dengan lebih mendalam lagi kasih sayang dan ikatan jiwa satu sama lain. Selain daripada diikat oleh sahabat secara umum, ditambah pula kerana ada cita-cita bersama menegakkan Islam.

Sahabat yang dipersaudarakan
Sahabat ini lebih mendalam lagi kerana mereka ada membuat perjanjian antara satu sama lain. Bersaudara seolaholah adik-beradik satu keturunan, dari satu ibu dan ayah.Itulah yang pernah dilakukan oleh Rasulullah SAW di kalangan para Sahabat.

Lanjutan daripada kisah mempersaudarakan para Sahabat yang dilakukan oleh Rasulullah SAW, baginda sendiri mengambil Sayidina Ali karamallahu wajhah sebagai saudaranya. Setelah Rasulullah mempersaudarakan Sahabat-Sahabat Ansar dan Muhajirin,Sahabat-Sahabat Ansar pun berkata: "Harta benda kami (tanah dan kebun tamar), kami akan bahagi-bahagikan di antara mereka."
Apabila Sahabat-Sahabat Ansar memungut hasil kebun kurma, mereka membahagikan hasil pungutan itu kepada dua bahagian. Salah satu bahagian lebih banyak dari bahagian yang satu lagi. Sahabat Ansar pun meletakkan pelepah-pelepah kurma di bahagian bawahnya sehingga bahagian yang sedikit itu nampak lebih banyak daripada bahagian yang banyak tadi. Mereka pun memberi bahagian yang kelihatan sedikit (tetapi pada hakikatnya inilah yang lebih banyak) kepada saudara mereka, orang Muhajirin dan mereka mengambil bahagian yang mengandungi pelepah kurma itu.

Hal ini berterusan sehinggalah Islam semakin kuat dan mendapat banyak harta lalu Rasulullah SAW telah menawarkan kepada orang-orang Ansar harta-harta itu sebagai membalas budi mereka. Sebaliknya Sahabat-Sahabat Ansar menolak sambil berkata, "Tidak, melainkan tuan membahagi-bahagikannya sama rata dengan saudara-saudara kami (orang Muhajirin)."

Ada seorang Sahabat Ansar bernama Saad bin Rabi` telah dipersaudarakan dengan Sayidina Abdul Rahman bin Auf. Saad berkata, "Ya saudaraku, aku adalah orang yang paling banyak mempunyai harta di Madinah, maka lihatlah olehmu kepada hartaku dan ambillah sebanyak mana yang kamu inginkan. Aku juga mempunyai dua orang isteri, lihatlah mereka, siapa di antara keduanya yang engkau sukai, aku akan menceraikannya untukmu."

Akan tetapi Sayidina Abdul Rahman tidak sanggup menerimanya lalu berkata, Allah memberkati kamu, harta dan keluarga kamu. Tunjukkan aku arah ke pasar."Lalu dia ditunjukkan jalan ke pasar dan Abdul Rahman bin Auf pun berniaga sehingga mencukupi keperluan hidupnya.

Oleh itu, bersahabat besar ertinya. Kerana itulah Rasulullah SAW memanggil pengikut-pengikutnya dengan perkataan Sahabat. Padahal di dalam bahasa Arab ada perkataan lain yang makna lahirnya agak sama, misalnya zamil atau rafiq. Tetapi erti sahabat lebih mendalam dan mesra. Erti sahabat, orang yang sentiasa mengiringi kita, sentiasa ada di samping kita atau selalu berdekatan dengan kita. Erti mengiring atau sentiasa di samping atau berdekatan dengan kita itu, bukan erti luaran sahaja. Bukan sekadar lahiriah sahaja tetapi batinnya sekali. Seperti mengiringi dan mendampingi hati kita. Dekat dengan hati kita. Dengan kata yang lain, seseorang sahabat itu sentiasa memerhati dan memikirkan kehidupan lahir sahabatnya seperti makan minum, pakaian, tempat tinggal, situasi tempat tinggal, sakit pening, susah payah dan pendidikannya.

Bahkan dia juga sentiasa memahami psikologi atau batin sahabatnya seperti tentang perasaan, kegemaran, kebencian, kesukaan, kemarahan, siapa orang yang dia suka dan siapa orang yang tidak disukainya. Bahkan kenal anak isteri, keluarga, sahabat-sahabat dan musuhmusuh kepada sahabatnya itu.
Perlu kita faham itu semua agar dapat kita berkongsi sama dengan sahabat, suka duka, masalah, kemahuan dan kebencian mereka. Agar perkara-perkara yang mereka perlukan bantuan, kita bantu. Manakala yang perlu dijauhi, sama-sama kita hindari dan jauhi. Jika perlu nasihat, kita beri nasihat. Apabila kita bersahabat, kenalah jaga perasaan mereka.

Selain itu kalau kita bersahabat dengan sesiapa, kita kenalah jujur dan amanah serta bertanggungjawab terhadap mereka. Sepertimana kita berlaku jujur, amanah serta bertanggungjawab kepada diri kita, begitu jugalah tanggungjawab kita kepada mereka dan keluarga mereka. Kita kenalah jaga mereka macam kita menjaga diri dan keluarga kita.

Kalau begitu di antara syarat-syarat kita bersahabat ialah:

Kalau mereka susah, memerlukan bantuan, kenalah kita bantu sama ada dengan wang ringgit, tenaga mahupun nasihat dan pandangan kita.

Kalau mereka meminta sesuatu, kenalah kita beri. Jika kita tidak mampu, minta maaflah kepadanya.

Kenalah ziarah selalu dan lihat-lihatlah apakah yang perlu kita bantu. Sewaktu ke rumahnya, bawalah buah tangan.

Berilah hadiah terutama di waktu-waktu yang sesuai seperti mereka mendapat anak, waktu perkahwinan dan sebagainya.

Di waktu sakitnya kenalah ziarah dan doakan kesembuhannya.

Di waktu mereka mendapat sesuatu yang menggembirakan, hendaklah kita juga lahirkan kegembiraan.

Di waktu mereka mendapat sesuatu kesusahan dan kesedihan, hendaklah kita juga melahirkan rasa kesedihan dan kesusahan sama.

Kebaikannya selalulah kita puji di belakangnya.

Kecacatan dan kekurangan atau keaibannya dan keluarganya, hendaklah kita tutup. Ertinya kita jangan mengumpatnya.

Kalau ada orang lain mengumpatnya di hadapan kita, kenalah nasihat orang itu atau kita tinggalkan majlis itu.

Kalau dia mengajak kita menemaninya ke mana-mana, kenalah kita menerimanya kecuali kalau ada keuzuran yang tidak dapat dielakkan.

Kalau dia menjemput ke majlis, wajib kita menerima jemputannya.

Kenalah ziarah serta mengambil perhatian keluarganya selepas matinya.

Kenalah ziarah sahabat baiknya. Kalau boleh mengambil perhatian kehidupan keluarga mereka selepas matinya.

Selalu mendoakannya di luar pengetahuannya atau bukan di majlisnya.

Berilah kemaafan di atas kesalahan terhadap kita.

Mintalah maaf kepadanya di atas kesalahan dan kekurangan dan kelemahan diri dalam menunaikan tanggungjawab terhadapnya.

Jika sahabat itu tidak mahu disaugiakan sebagai sahabat ibaratnya makanan yang berzat, sihat dan berperisa. Jika tidak berperisa lagi usahlah dicela dan tinggalkan makanan itu secara perlahan-lahan asal tidak disedari maka redhakanlah apa yang telah diberikan dengan setulusnya. Letak kan segalanya atas ketentuan Allah SWT.

Ya Allah jika memang tidak akan engkau berikan seorang pun sahabat kepada ku di dunia ini. Aku pasrah dan redha mestikan secara fitrahnya aku memerlukan sahabat. Namun, usah engkau pinggirkan aku dari perhatianmu. Ya Allah aku mungkin bukan hambamu yang baik tetapi aku tak mampu menerima azab nerakamu dan berikan kepadaku pengakhiran yang baik.

Regional Community Haze Prevention Programme

In June 2013, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore have been affected by extensive forest and peatland fires and associated transboundary haze. The Air Pollutant Index has exceeded 400 in Singapore for the first time in history. A high of 746 has been recorded in Malaysia.  The haze in Riau is worse. Schools and worksites are closed and the economic impact in all three countries is expected to be in hundreds of millions of dollars.  Rapid and coordinated work is needed in the three countries to suppress the current fires and to work on prevention of future fires.  The root cause of the fires in land clearing and peatland drainage during the current drought - primarily in Indonesia combined with the common practice of burning for land clearing operations.

For the past 20 years the countries in Se Asia have been impacted by increasingly regular forest and peatland fires and associated transboundary haze – which occur annually but more severely in times of drought..  This has affected millions of people and caused serious social and environmental impacts as well as economic losses, in five countries in the region: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.  Assessment of the root causes has clearly indicated that 80-90% of the transboundary smoke haze is coming from fires in peatlands which have been opened up or drained for agriculture and forestry activities. Such activities involve both the private sector as well as local communities.

Peatlands cover about 25 million ha in Se Asia and in fire prone provinces may cover 40% of the land area.  As soon as peatlands are opened up or drained – then they are susceptible to fires.  Once they start burning, the fires are almost impossible to put out.  Peat fires may generate more than 50x more smoke than other fires and may burn for months at a time.

Over the last few years the governments of the region have been regularly meeting to develop strategies to address the problem and in November 2006, the 10 ASEAN Ministers responsible for the environment formally endorsed an ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy (APMS) to guide peatland management and fire prevention to 2020. Subsequently,  National Action Plans have been adopted in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam to translate the regional plan into national measures. At the same time a number of NGOs have been working together with local communities to undertake pilot projects to prevent peatland fires and rehabilitate degraded peatlands.  These pilot activities at community level have shown significant progress and have been accepted by the governments of the region as an important contribution to addressing the haze problem.  However the scale of action is too limited to prevent the current haze.

Enhanced local action by communities and private sector to prevent fires especially in peatland areas are urgently needed.  Coordinated action by civil society organisations is needed to complement government action.

A regional Community Haze Prevention Programme is thus being established to provide a means for rapid community action to help prevent the haze through proactive measures. The Programme is being established by several non-profit environmental organisations based in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore, with experience in peatland management, fire prevention, pollution control and community participation.  It is anticipated that the programme will also involve other civil society organizations and partners from the ASEAN region in the future.

Proposed Objectives

1.  Support community-based initiatives to manage and restore peatlands and prevent fires and haze.
2.   Generate resources from the community (individuals, companies, associations and other sources) to  
        prevent haze
3. Enhance awareness of the root causes of and potential solutions to the fires and haze and promote
        action by different stakeholders.
4. Promote protection and wise use of all remaining peatlands in the fire- prone regions of SE Asia

Proposed activities

Objective 1:  Support community-based initiatives to manage peatlands and prevent fires and haze
• Fire prevention through community awareness, education and provision of resources for alternate land
        management without use of fire.
• Improve management of peatlands including blocking of abandoned drainage channels and rehabilitation
        of degraded lands
• Promote best management practices for existing agriculture and plantations in peat
• Community protection and stewardship of peatland to prevent fires and degradation
• Monitoring of peatland fires in relation to land development by private companies and communities.

Objective 2:  Generate resources from the community (individuals, companies, associations  and other sources) to prevent  the haze.
• Establish a fund to support community action on fire and haze prevention
• Solicit contributions and organize fund-raising events in countries impacted by the haze to generate
        resources to support action.
• Develop and submit specific proposals to potential regional or international contributors to the

Objective 3: Enhance awareness of the root causes of and potential solutions to the fires and haze and promote action by different stakeholders.
• Awareness and education programmes targeted at communities and other stakeholders responsible for
        fires and haze
• Partnership with media in documenting and disseminating information on root causes of fires and haze to
        key stakeholders
• Promote action by government, private sector and community stakeholders to address root causes and
        prevent fires and haze
•   Providing accurate information to the public on the location and causes of the fires and impacts of haze
        and options to reduce health risks

Objective 4: Promote protection and rehabilitation of remaining peatland forests in the fire- prone regions of SE Asia
• Identify and promote protection of remaining relatively undisturbed peatland forests in fire prone regions
• Promote rehabilitation of peatlands which have been opened up for agriculture and forestry and
        subsequently abandoned.

Proposed focal Areas:

The community-based peatland management and fire prevention activities will take place in fire-prone peatland areas  especially in the following provinces of Indonesia and states in Malaysia (this list may be adjusted from time to time).
• Riau Province ( Sumatra)
• Jambi Province ( Sumatra)
• West Kalimantan Province (Borneo)
• Central Kalimantan (Borneo)
• Selangor ( Malaysia)

Some activities will also be undertaken in fire-prone peatlands in other parts of the region. Awareness activities will be supported in all haze-affected countries.

Founding Partners

The establishment of the programme has been led by various initial partners including the Global Environment Centre from Malaysia, Yayasan Mitra Insani (Indonesia) and a group of NGOs in Singapore.

The Global Environment Centre (GEC) is a Malaysian non-profit organization which has been working in all haze-affected ASEAN countries over the past 15 years to assess root causes of peatland fires and develop practical solutions to the regional haze crisis.  GEC is a founding partner of the ASEAN Peatland Management Initiative established by the 10 ASEAN member countries in 2003. It is currently the Regional Project Executing Agency of the ASEAN Peatland Forests Project and Associated SEApeat Project. It has a solid track record in managing and disbursing resources in the ASEAN region to government, NGO and community partners and has Tax Free Status in Malaysia.  Yayasan Mitra Insani is a leading NGO based in Riau Sumatra which has been working with GEC on peatland management and fire prevention in targeted communities in Indonesia since 2007.

As the programme develops, other key civil society organizations in the region are likely to be involved and partnerships with the media and other groups will be developed.

Proposed Management mechanism

The programme will be overseen by a steering group of partner organisations and progress will be assessed through regular monitoring and evaluation activities. The Global Environment Centre will act as the coordinator and secretariat for the programme.  Contributions will be collected in the separate countries and maintained in special bank accounts designated for the programme. Funds will be disbursed by through a range of well established partner non-profit organisations working in different fire prone and haze impacted parts of the region. Where appropriate, national or provincial networks will be established to coordinate between different participating groups. Depending on the scale of the initiative - an advisory group including representatives from governments may be established to give policy guidance and ensure effective linkage with government programmes.  Expenditure will be closely monitored and independently audited.

Linkage with ongoing programmes

The Programme will closely link with other ongoing programmes and activities under the ASEAN Framework – such as the ASEAN Peatland Management Initiative, the ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy and the SE Asia Peat network.  It will also support those activities to be undertaken in the framework of the ASEAN Agreement of Transboundary Haze Pollution.

It will link with the ASEAN Peatland Forests Project on Rehabilitation and Sustainable Use of Peatlands in SE Asia supported by IFAD-GEF and the SEApeat project supported by the European Union.  Linkage with these projects will mean that the collective expertise can be mobilized and resources can be shared - ensuring a cost effective and efficient management and reducing the expenditure for technical guidance and administration.

For more information please visit http://www.gec.org.my

Combat !!! The Haze

Ensuring the participation of local people in peatland fire management planning can help reduce the number and spread of peatland fires.

The number peatland fires including forest reserve & stateland, burning without control and for no intended purpose – are growing in many parts of the country especially in Selangor. Some 95 percent of these fires are caused by human activities. One of the central questions in national and international efforts to develop mitigation strategies for this peatland fires (wildfires) is how to address the human causes of fire, i.e. by changing human behaviour. Ensuring the participation of local people in fire management planning has been increasingly identified over the past decade as necessary for reducing the number and spread of wildfires.

Since 1997, our country have achieved encouraging results through the introduction of participatory fire management schemes involving government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local communities, and farmers in forest fire prevention, detection and control. However, from the beginning of the twentieth century, lack of supervision, particularly in remote areas, led to increasingly indiscriminate use of fire by local populations.

There is an immediate needs to bring all the stakeholders and public together at these sites to see what steps can be taken to work together for fire prevention and control at these sites.  The plan will include partnership between Selangor Forest Department, Selangor Fire & Rescue Department, Local Government Agencies, adjacent landowners and agriculture operators especially on minimising use of fires and loss of water during dry season to prevent fire incidences.

Why we are looking for volunteers

The fire prevention measures - is a major efforts at regional and for local communities. Addressing the peatland fire issue needs a concerted effort that connects people with nature through a comprehensive action by creating public awareness and education on this peatland fire and haze.

Changing human behavior will takes time and requires a lot of effort.  That's why we need volunteers to help us. Your commitment to “STOP THE HAZE CAMPAIGN” will be a great help to nation, local communities and mother nature.

This is the time for you to do your community service while joining this volunteer programme. Your participation and assistance will make a real impact to “STOP THE HAZE CAMPAIGN”.

This volunteer programme is divided into 4 categories:

i) Patrolling / monitoring & reporting prevent illegal activities in the forest, such as starting fires, cutting trees, hunting  protected  wildlife and breaking dams; If identified any of that activities, please make a report to respective authorities for their further action Fire prevention monitoring locations:- Sungai Karang Forest Reserve (including buffer zone), Raja Musa Forest Reserve (including buffer zone), North Kuala Langat Forest Reserve (including buffer zone), South Kuala Langat Forest Reserve(including buffer zone), Johan Setia & Kampung Pulau Kempas (Mukim Tanjung) . This would reduce the chance for farmers or private sectors to set forest fires to clear land for agricultural development.

ii) Build dams to raising the water level (canal blocking). The main objective for the canal blocking construction is to raise the water level to sustain the water composition in the peat soil. Dry peat soil can burn easily and will spread to other land or forest. In order to avoid that, a high water level will always ensure that the soil is in a damp condition. The actual canal blocking involves: clearing the location, building a shelter for the workers / volunteer, inserting Mangrove Poles and a base foundation from woods/logs, fastening the blocking poles, attaching sheets of thickness plastic and inserting plastic sacks with mineral (sands) into that side, then tied with strong materials

iii) Participate in the program as a result of conservation of degraded peat forest fires (rehabilitation) Re-vegetation of the degraded peatland areas by planting suitable tree species originating from RMFR. Re-planting plants and trees provides a layer of cover for the peat soil from exposing to direct sunlight. Thus, keeping the top layer of the peat soil moist in all weather conditions. Through systematic tree planting activities and monitoring of the tree growth expedites the forest rehabilitation process.

iv) Fire Awareness campaigns and public education:- Fire awareness campaigns can be used to inform the public concerning the danger of fire and its hazardous consequences.. This can be done through personal contact, through school and community centre, signs and warning notice boards/billboards, and through posters and information leaflets. It is essential to help the public to be more conscious towards the tangible and intangible values of Peat Swamp Forest and danger of the peatland fire & haze production and dissemination of fire awareness materials and introduction of fire awareness programmes at local villages / schools / private sectors;

Stop !!! the Haze

The Haze is Killing Us.  High levels of smoke haze in Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia is harmful to our health and is causing respiratory problems, asthma and may even lead to cancer in the long term. The cause is extensive forest and peatland fires linked to land clearing in Riau, Indonesia and to a lesser extent Selangor. The haze will get worse as the current drought is expected to continue till September.

The Air Pollutant Index has exceeded 400 (life-threatening for the elderly and sick) in Singapore for the first time in history. A high of 383 has been recorded in Johor, Malaysia.  Schools and worksites are closed and the economic impact in all three countries is expected to be in tens or hundreds of millions of dollars.

Rapid and coordinated work is needed in the three countries to suppress the current fires and to work on prevention of future fires.  The root cause of the fires is the current drought combined with land clearing and peatland drainage - primarily in Indonesia combined with the common practice of burning for land clearing operations.

The Global Environment Centre (GEC) is a Malaysian non-profit organization which has been working in all haze-affected ASEAN countries over the past 15 years to develop practical solutions to the regional haze crisis.  GEC is a founding partner of the ASEAN Peatland Management Initiative established by the 10 ASEAN member countries in 2003. It is assisting the ASEAN member countries to implement haze prevention strategies.  It is currently supporting community based fire prevention in Selangor and Riau. It is recognized by ASEAN and ASEAN member states as a key partner in preventing peatland fires. It has Tax Free Status in Malaysia

GEC needs your support for work in Malaysia and Indonesia:
• Patrolling of Fire-prone peatlands in Selangor State and Riau Province
• Equipment and supplies to support community fire  prevention and control teams
• Monitoring the activities of forest and oil palm plantations and promoting zero burning and
• Provide regular reports to public on haze and fire situation and haze safety tips

How you can help?
• Make a donation to GEC’s Stop the Haze Campaign
• Sign up as a GEC supporter – to support longer term prevention measures.
• Sign up as a volunteer to support the Stop the Haze Campaign
• Monitor fire prone areas near your home for work and promptly report any land clearing or fires.

For more information, visit http://gec.org.my or http://aseanpeat.net

Volunteer testimonial

Written by Tan Yi Han, volunteer from 3 June to 14 July 2013

I came to the Global Environment Centre (GEC) not knowing what to expect, other that I want to learn more about the annual haze that afflicts my homeland, Singapore, and that GEC is one of the main NGOs tackling this issue. I had been working as an insurance agent for 2 years, but I knew my core passion lay elsewhere. So I took leave from my clients and supervisors and started my new adventure across the Straits of Johor.

I came without a relevant technical background. My degree is in Engineering Science, not Biology, Geography, Environment or even Social Science.

Yet, the folks at GEC tried to accommodate my interests and strengths to give me meaningful tasks to do. My first major task was to join a homestay programme and help them develop their eco-tourism programme. It was the first time I stayed at a kampung (village) and I was struck by how friendly and open the kampung people are. Once, I was walking around the kampung when I passed by an old man who invited me to join him, and we had a really nice chat.

The other major highlight of my volunteer stint in Malaysia was fighting a peat fire. I experienced first-hand just how hard it is to fight a peat fire. We quickly extinguished the flames above the ground, but spent days trying to put out the smoking soil that was a sign of fire beneath the ground, ready to return with a vengeance like a demon from hell.

After 3 eventful weeks in Malaysia, I then had the opportunity to spend 2 weeks in Indonesia. I saw the devastating burn sites which only days before were the source of the worst haze in history in Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia. The burnt carcasses of oil palm trees and pineapple plants stretched all the way to the horizon. The family who had been farming this land never used fire themselves. Yet, fire from neighbouring land spread into their farmland, devastating their crops. As the fires raged outside their homes, engulfing them in thick smoke, the adults had opted to stay to save their homes, until rain and a national disaster force finally put out the fire. Despite the harrowing experience and their livelihood in question, when we visited them, the family received us with cheerfulness and even offered us tea and snacks. They had hardly enough food for themselves and yet, did not forget to be kind to others.

As I conclude my volunteer stint with GEC, I leave with many beautiful memories, important lessons and a burning desire to do something to stop the haze - not only for my homeland, but also for the wonderful people of Indonesia and Malaysia!

For more information, please visit http://www.gec.org.my

Puisi - Aku berjalan lagi

Bagaimana kentalnya semangat yang ada, suatu waktu akan kecundang. Hakikatnya itu adalah manusia. Ada pasang surutnya. Sewaktu berada di atas kerap lupa sehingga diletakkan di bawah akan ingat semula. Dalam sendu seorang diri di perantauan, lebih lagi waktunya bulan ramadhan, ketika melihat insan lain melewati ke bazar ramadhan, aku masih melangkah kan kaki menuju ke destinasi yang harus aku sampai. Atas rasa tanggung jawab dan memenuhi keperluan insan lain.

Sesuatu untuk mu jika engkau masih menganggapku sebagai sahabatmu.
Adakah akan mengerti ketika aku berkata, ” Aku lupa”
Adakah akan tetap setia menunggu ketika aku berkata, "Tunggu sebentar ”
Adakah hati akan tetap kekal ketika aku berkata, ”Tinggalkan aku sendiri”
Saat aku berkata untuk meninggalkanmu,
Mungkin kamu akan pergi meninggalkanku sesaat,
Memberiku waktu untuk menenangkan diri
Jika itu yang berlaku padamu
Tetapi pada saat saat itu, hatiku tidak akan pernah meninggalkanmu
Dan sewaktu engkau jauh dariku, adakah engkau akan selalu mendoakanku dengan airmatamu ?
Pasti aku akan tetap memahami jika engkau berkata tidak.

Analysis Statement by Darrel Webber, RSPO Secretary General on the Environmental Pollution in South East Asia

On June 24th, RSPO requested 5 of its member companies who were reported in the media to be involved in the forest fires in Indonesia to submit digital maps of their concession areas in Indonesia. 3 out of the 5 companies have submitted their maps. The 3 companies are Sime Darby; Kuala Lumpur Kepong (KLK); Golden Agri Resources (GAR). No reports have been received from Tabung Haji Plantations and PT Jatim Jaya Perkasa.

The analysis was carried out by two international research experts; Malaysian scientist and Geographic Information System (GIS) expert Dr. Khali Aziz Hamzah from Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) and the World Resources Institute (WRI). The study took into account the overlapping of the concession maps with the fire and hot spot maps generated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA). The hot spot data used were those identified from the 1st to the 26th of June 2013.

The analysis showed that, in most cases, there were no hot spots identified within the plantations owned the said 3 companies. There were, however, a few hot spots present in a minority of the areas. These hotspots, were correctly managed by the respective companies and were extinguished within 24 hours from their appearance (all the data is available for consultation on:  http://www.rspo.org/file/haze/MAP%20ANALYSIS-KLK,GAR,SIMEDARBY_FINAL.pdf).

The expert analysis provided the RSPO with several conclusions and insights. First, it is evident that KLK, Sime Darby and GAR have have been exemplary in managing the fire and the haze situation, in Sumatra. As per the RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C), they have managed and overcome emerging or potential fire risks efficiently.

Second, these plantations appear to be safe havens when contrasted with the rampant hot spots occurring in their immediate vicinity.

Thirdly, it is evident that the concession maps currently in the public domain do not concur with the maps provided by the said 3 companies. As a result, the initial public information on whose land the fires occurred on, can be misleading. Having clarity of land use and land ownership is essential if the annual haze situation is to be addressed in a holistic manner. The RSPO appreciates that collating this information, efficiently, will not be an easy task for the Government of Indonesia. Nevertheless, the RSPO extends its hand to aid in this effort, where possible. RSPO, calls on other stakeholders to do the same. In this day and age, there is no technical barrier to collate this information for the public good. The only barrier to bring this effort to fruition is the level of fortitude of the relevant stakeholders.

The fourth conclusion that can be made is that there is an opportunity for RSPO and its members to double our efforts in playing a positive role to help other stakeholders to mitigate or avoid altogether, the annual haze situation in South East Asia. The RSPO firmly believes that mitigating or avoiding fires on peat systems require landscape level collaboration and management. The current haze situation can serve as a reminder to government authorities, not only in Indonesia, that such landscape level management plans and the capacity to implement these plans should be ready before allowing large scale development on peat systems.

RSPO would like to thank the members who have given their full cooperation towards this probe and we certainly applaud their quick action in detecting and quelling the fires in their plantations.

RSPO also strongly encourages its members with existing plantations on peat to adopt fire prevention measures within their concessions. For further guidance, kindly refer to RSPO’s Peat Best Management Practices (BMP).

The two companies yet to submit relevant data and maps to the RSPO, Tabung Haji Plantations and PT Jatim Jaya, will be given a final extension of 48 hours to submit the relevant information, after which a formal complaint will be issued against them

Some update to combat against peatland forest fire

Just a few updates on what the project is doing in relation to the fires:

We launched a campaign to Stop peat fire/ stop haze in Selangor in February this year  in partnership with forestry dept and Fire and rescue department and local communities.  We  have been promoting through posters for community and media coverage.

We have been supporting patrols three to four  times a week of local communities along the border of raja musa forest reserve since April.  We have increased the frequency to daily for the past month.  The patrols have detected a total of five fires started for land clearing.  Because of the prompt reporting and action all fires have been controlled in 2-6 days and have affected a total area of about 10 ha.  No fire this year has spread more than 2.5 ha.  This is much better than last year where 8 fires burnt  a total of 600 ha.  

At request of forest department  we have undertaken today an assessment of peat fires in southern Selangor where peat fires have been burning on and off for 1-2 months. More than 130ha has been affected by fires. The forest department has asked our help to control the fires and enhance community engagement in monitoring and control.

At the SEApeat project site in harapan Jaya - there have been small fires but we have helped the communities access pumps from adjacent plantations and fires have all been controlled. At request of the local government and at our initiative we have visited a number of site in northern Riau affected by the recent fires and have provided pumps and resources to three separate community fire fighting groups.  We are trying to raise funds from public and corporate donations to enable us to enhance the level of support.

We have initiated a stop the haze Campaign on 23 June to focus efforts to reduce the haze and give Malaysian public and companies an opportunity to contribute to haze prevention activities. We are recruiting volunteers to assist the awareness raising and also assist with patrolling and fire prevention measures.

In relation to the campaign we have met with the largest Malaysian Oil palm company ( Sime Darby) and the largest Indonesian oil palm and forest  plantation Company ( sinar mas).  we have had meetings with the Ministry of the environment, Ministry of public works and Ministry of economic coordination in Indonesia and the Forestry Department in Malaysia to discuss fire control and prevention measures.  The office of the Indonesian president has asked us to provide  our specific suggestions on fire prevention and control in Riau - in particular in relation to water management in peat.

We have made TV and radio interviews and have had five newspaper articles in three languages about our campaign. 

Next week we will have a meeting with the ASEAN secretariat and Indonesia and Malaysian Governments to discuss possible follow up strategies for fire prevention and proposals to discuss further in the planned TWG/ Ministerial steering committee meeting on 15-17 June which will be held in Malaysia.

We very much hope that we can stop the unproductive  blame game and stimulate a real partnership between government, plantation companies and civil society to once and fora ll put measures in place to stop the haze.  We are talking further to Sinar mas and sime darby to see if we can put together a partnership to prevent the haze through enhanced monitoring and reporting, improved surveillance and enforcement, better prevention measures ( especially water management) and preparedness. The engagement of the governments in such a positive strategy is important.


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