• Samad Said - Janda Setinggan

    Katanya: Derita itu aku. Dirinya cemas diterjah usia dalam kabus belasungkawa, dia tergigau hampir seminggu diancam lipan, angin dan debu yang sama. Desa bahagia, derita.

  • Samad Said - Nikmat

    Segala yang dihasrat, tapi tak didapat adalah nikmat yang paling padat.

  • Samad Said - Ombak

    Ombak yang menjamah kakiku sekali takkan dapat kukenali lagi..

  • Samad Said - Bahasa Terindah

    Sesudah demikian lama dicintai, sukarlah dilupakan. Inti pengalaman, kepedihan; akar kerinduan keresahan… Memang begitu banyak diperlukan kekuatan, kepangkalan batin, rakit ditambatkan bara kenangan dikuatkan .

  • Samad Said - Tetamu Senja

    Kita datang ini satu roh satu jasad, Bila pulang nanti bawa bakti padat berkat, Kita datang ini satu roh satu jasad Bila pulang nanti bawa bakti padat berkat .

Puisi - Ramadan (2009)

Bulan Ramadan yang Barakah
Kau Kembali
Ku mengucap syukur ke hadrat Ilahi
Dapat aku bersua dengan ramadan kali ini

Tersedu aku mengingat kisah lampau kembali
Pada bulan ramadanlah aku banyak menangis
Sujud menangis di atas sajadahku
Minta diampun segala dosa ku yang lalu
Moga-moga terampun juga dosaku

Pada bulan ramadan ini ku menangis
Menangisi teringatkan yang telah tiada
Dengan Alfatihah ku sedekahkan kepada mereka
Moga-moga berbahagia mereka di sisinya

Pada ramdan yang mulia ini
Ku menanti malam yang dinanti-nanti
Lailatul Qadar penuh erti
Tidak ku sia-siakan peluang seperti ini
Bila ku sedar lailatul qadar kunjung tiba
Tahulah aku
Ramadan akan pergi
Kepada mu aku menadah tangan berdoa
Moga dapat aku bertemu ramadan kembali

Ramadan 2009


Puisi - Bimbang Ramadan (2008)

Tuhan, mengapa aku ini
Aku berlainan dari orang lain
Setiap kedatangan Ramadhan
Mereka menyambut dengan gembira
Mereka kelihatan ceria

Tapi aku berlainan
Kedatangan Ramadhan penuh duka
Bukan aku benci bulanMu
Yang penuh rahmat dan berkat
Tapi aku benci diriku
Aku bimbang RamadhanMu
Aku tidak mengisi sebaiknya

Aku rasa puasaku tidak sempurna
Ampunilah aku Tuhan
Aku rasa sembahyangku tidak sah
Terawih, bacaan Al-Quran aku
Tidak sampai ke mana

Tuhan, itulah menyelubungi hatiku
Setiap kali kedatangan Ramadhan
Adakah satu kesalahan
Ampunkan aku, Tuhan
Maafkanlah aku Tuhan,
Kalau itu satu kesalahan
Pimpinlah aku, betulkan sikapku
Aku mohon keampunan dariMu, Tuhan

Nukilan : Abuya
Deklamasi 2008


Puisi - Andai Sesaat Lagi

Andai sesaat lagi
atau esok hari,
atau kemudian nanti,
diri ku akan pergi,
maka ampuni diri ini

Andai melukakan hati,
Kalam bercampur duri,
Perbuatan tidak disenangi,
Maka ampuni diri ini..

Cukuplah bagiku  ilmu Tuhanku
daripada permintaan dan usahaku
doa dan permohonanku
adalah bukti pada kefakiranku
oleh kerana rahsia itu aku berdoa
pada saat aku senang dan susah
aku adalah hamba, menjadi kebanggaanku
dalam kefakiran dan keperluanku

Wahai tuhanku yang memiliki aku
kau Maha tahu akan keadaanku
dan apa yang berada dalam hatiku
dari kesedihan dan kesibukanku
maka tolonglah aku dengan kelembutan
dari-Mu Wahai Tuhan seluruh hamba

Wahai yang Maha Pemurah tolonglah hamba
bukanlah wujudku di dunia ini,
untuk mengemis pangkat, cinta atau seri,
jangan sesekali disalah fahami dan disalah erti,
jika diriku memberi manfaat, maka dekati
sebaliknya jika diri ku memberi mudhorat, maka ku pohon jauhi,
aku hamba yang faqir cinta Ilahi,
aku hamba yang hina di hadapan Nabi,

Wahai yang Maha dekat, dan menjawab
wahai yang Maha mengetahui dan mendengar
aku mengaku akan kelemahanku
dan ketaatan serta kesedihanku
aku sentiasa menunggu di hadapan pintu rahmat-Mu
wahai Tuhanku berikanlah rahmat padaku
pada lembah kurnia-Mu aku berada

Aku hamba yang derita kerana keinginan,
tapi bakal bahagia dengan keinginanNya
ku ingin berjalan bersama keinginanNya
keinginanku hanya keinginan Nya
moga keinginanku lebur di dalam keinginanNya
agar saat ku pergi, Keampunan adalah keinginanNya

Wahai Tuhanku, dalam jiwa ini terdapat hajat
tunaikanlah Wahai yang Maha Menunaikan
tenteramkanlah rahsia dan hatiku
dari kebimbangan dan pergolakannya
sungguh aku akan berada dalam ketenteraman dan ketenangan
dan juga ketenteraman dan ketenangan menjadi pakaianku

Opening by DG Forestry on Closing APFP







Bless and peace upon Prophet Muhammad.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Salam Sejahtera,

Salam Satu Malaysia, and

Salam Satu NRE

Terima kasih Saudari Pengacara Majlis

Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Sri Zoal Azha bin Yusof

Secretary General, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Yang Berbahagia Datuk Dr. Che Abdul Rahim bin Haji Nik

Deputy Secretary General (Environmental)

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Mr. Faizal Parish

Director of Global Environment Centre, and the

Project Technical Advisor of the ASEAN Peatland Forests Project (APFP)

State Forestry Directors

Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia, Division Directors

Head of Federal and States Departments, and

Distinguished Guests,

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan

On behalf of Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, firstly lets us express our sincere gratitude to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala for His grace and blessings for us to gather in this ASEAN Peatland Forests Project Closing Seminar.

My sincere appreciation to the secretariat of the seminar for inviting me, thus giving me this precious opportunity to make the opening remark. I am glad to acknowledge that this seminar is jointly organised by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia and Malaysian Nature Society. This seminar enables us to share the knowledge and experiences in the matter of managing and developing our precious peatlands in Malaysia together with the participating stakeholders under the APFP smart partnership programme.

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

Peatlands as we know it have many benefits and maintaining them for such ends may far exceed any economic returns from land conversion activities. Peatlands areas play vital roles to regulate flood, preventing intrusion of saline waters, maintaining biological diversity of flora and fauna, providing livelihood for rural community, including acting as important carbon sink.

Unfortunately, since the past 20 years, part of the peatlands areas was converted to other land use. These activities are often linked to the lowering of the ground water, resulting in peat subsidence, and these areas eventually becoming more susceptible to wild fires - thus contributing to climate change. On the latter issue, I think everyone here can still remember what happened in 1997-1998, when we experienced regional wide haze problem mainly caused by wild fires in peatlands.

In Malaysia, peatlands and peatswamp forests are the most important of wetland types accounting for about 70% of the total wetland areas. As the trend elsewhere, rapid development and mounting population pressures on the natural resources have placed these areas under increasing threat. The major challenge is addressing the growing demand for conversion of peatswamp forests to other land uses.

Peatswamp forest in Malaysia cover an estimated 1.54 million hectares with more than 70 per cent in Sarawak, less than 20 per cent in Peninsular Malaysia and the remainder in Sabah. For the states in Peninsular Malaysia, peatswamp forests are found in 5 states - Selangor, Johor, Perak, Pahang and Terengganu; with 67 per cent of the existing peatswamp forests are located within the Permanent Reserved Forests (PRFs) with the remainder in Stateland Forests. It is within the Stateland Forests that all the conversion of peatswamp forests currently takes place.

Major threats to the conservation and sustainability of the peatswamp forests have been a focus of the Malaysian Government since 15-years ago. For your information, two internationally funded projects - the DANCED (Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development) Project (1996-2000) and later the UNDP-GEF (2002-2007) have facilitated the State Governments of Selangor, Pahang, Sabah and Sarawak in developing Integrated Management Plans (IMPs) specific for the peatswamp forests.

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

Based on the peatlands forest fire incident and the air pollution caused by a serious ASEAN transboundary haze pollution in 1997-98, ASEAN Member States had developed the ASEAN Peatlands Management Strategy (2006-2020) with the objective to conserve, manage and sustainable use of peatlands. A project known as Rehabilitation and Sustainable Use of Peatlands in Southeast Asia or ASEAN Peatland Forests Project (APFP) was conceptualised.

The APFP is fully sponsored by International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) / Global Environment Facility (GEF) with fund amounting to USD880,000 for a period of 2010-2014. This project is administered by ASEAN Secretariat with technical assistant from Global Environment Centre (GEC) as the Regional Project Executing Agency. Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia was appointed as the National Project Executing Agency for APFP Malaysian component.

The main objective of APFP is to enhance conservation and sustainable management of peatlands in Malaysia especially in the pilot site at North Selangor Peatswamp Forest through the increase of the capacity, monitoring and prevention of peat fire and the establishment of demo plots. Three demo sites were established in South East Pahang Peatswamp Forest in Pahang, Loagan Bunut National Park in Sarawak and Klias Forest Reserve in Sabah. ASEAN Peatland Forests Project (APFP) came into operation in Malaysia, Indonesia, Viet Nam and Philippines since 2010 and will be end in 2014.

Special committees were established at Federal level to monitor and oversee the implementation of the project such as National Peatlands Steering chaired by Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Sri Secretary General of NRE and National Peatlands Working Committee chaired by myself. I would like to congratulate Selangor State for having the same mechanism by establishing Selangor State Peatlands Steering and Working Committee. If it is permissible, I would like to urge each state having major and significant peatland areas to adopt similar mechanism to control, monitor and sustainably manage the peatlands.

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

In the effort to achieve the ASEAN Peatlands Management Strategy (APMS), Malaysia had developed and rectified the National Action Plan for Peatlands in 2011. The plan have been implemented by various stakeholders and its progress is monitored by NRE.

For your information the Selangor State Action Plan for Peatlands was developed by FRIM by using the existing template as reference. In my opinion, every states that had the Integrated Management Plan under the UNDP-GEF project such as Pahang, Sarawak and Sabah to make an effort to prepare their very own State Action Plan for Peatlands to meet the requirements in managing and developing their peatlands.

Based on the experience from APFP, Good Water Management is critical to control peat fire incidenses and peat subsidences to reduce the CO2 emission by maintaning optimal water level in the field between 50-60 cm from the peat surface. Concerted efforts to construct more tube well to tap ground-water and check-dam/canal blocking to increase the water level is needed to suppress and control peat fire incidences. These infrastructures maybe costly but it is the best choice to assist in any peat firefighting operation during the drought season.

For your information, Department of Environment as the focal point for peatswamp forest fire management in the country had spent RM12 million between 2009-2013 for the construction of 135 units of check dams by Department of Irrigation and Drainage, 40 units tube well by Department of Minerals and Geoscience and 3 units of watch tower by FDPM. Based on the Malaysian Government concern regarding the issue related to peat fire, special allocation worth RM15 million was allocated to DOE for the year 2014-2015. I believe the investment is more cost-effective compared to the real cost spent in annual peat firefighting by Fire and Rescue Department, Forestry Departments and other agencies.

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

In every peatlands forest fire occurances, forest land will cause environmental degradation, lost of invaluable biodiversity and economic resources. Hence, I recommend treatments for degraded forest areas to prevent further deterioration such as soil erosion and invasive plant colonisation.

However, limited annual allocation for the departments and agencies induce conservation programme fail to achieve its targets. Maybe its time for us to engage with multi-national plantation companies in conservation programmes for degraded peatswamp forest area. Based on current awareness trend among multi-national companies towards environmental considerations particularly under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), this conservation efforts shall be increased.

Malaysia has been given the task to improve the existing Fire Danger Rating System (FDRS) and thru Malaysia Meteorology Department had successfully developed FDRS to warn early fire detection in peatswamps forest which can lead to transboundary haze pollution. Congrats to MMD for pioneered this system specifically development of SEA FDRS in Google Earth.

New technology developments shall be promoted to strengthen the peatland fire detection in the field. Currently, under APFP smart partnership JPSM-UPM activities, we have successfully established a new prototype called PeatWatch system, considered pioneer in ASEAN, to monitor the early peatland fire occurance using Google Earth/Map. This system designed for fast reporting using smartphones with detailed information such as location by longitude and lattitude data incorporating GIS maps, fire extent, hot spots and wind speed data.

We have achieved 11 outputs under APFP smart partnership as model or guideline for ASEAN countries. The outputs are as follows:

Revised Guidelines for Design and Construction of Check Dams for Prevention and Control of Peatland Fire by DID;

Peatland Profile for Malaysia by Faculty of Forestry, UPM;

Peatwatch System by Faculty of Forestry, UPM;

Fire and Danger Rating System by MMD;

North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest Scientific and Bio-D Expedition by MNS;

Selangor State Action Plan for Peatlands by FRIM;

Best Management Practices in Peatland of Malaysia by FRIM;

Manual On Degraded Peatswamp Forest Rehabilitation Techniques by FRIM;

Assessment of Aboveground Carbon Stock Changes in APFP Pilot Site by FRIM;

Report on Blueprint For Kuala Langat South Forest Reserve by FRIM; and

Integrated Management Plan for North Selangor Peatswamp Forest (2014 – 2023) by GEC.  

My sincere thanks and gratitude to all agencies involved in APFP smart partnership for their contributions in achieving these targets.

Establishment of North Selangor Friends of Peatlands under Registrar of Society in August 2012 shows the commitment of local communities living adjacent to North Selangor Peatswamp forest in peatland forest management and development. These local communities engagement in peatland forest fire monitoring and suppression activities, tree planting and awareness programmes had produce a team for helping the Government in conserving, manage and sustainable use of peatland resources.

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

The first phase of APFP (2010-2014) will finish this year. This project will be continued under the second phase of APFP (2014-2020) named ASEAN Sustainable Management of Peatlands Ecosystem are parallel with National Action Plan for Peatlands (2011-2020).

Last but not least, we are grateful to have enjoyed the consistent support of the stakeholders particularly at the national and state level during 5 years of project implementation. Therefore, on behalf of FDPM as the implementing agency, I would like to express our appreciation to the donors and NRE for entrusting us with the task of implementing this project.

Finally, I would like to wish you all a fruitful discussion in this seminar. Please share with us your experience as well and I sincerely hope that this seminar will be of great benefits to all of us for our future undertaking.

Thank you very much.


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh



Date: 23 June 2014

Speech by Secretary General MNRE on APFP Closing


Bless and peace upon Prophet Muhammad.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Salam Sejahtera,
Salam Satu Malaysia, dan
Salam Satu NRE

Terima kasih Saudari Pengacara Majlis

Yang Berbahagia Datuk Dr. Che Abdul Rahim bin Haji Nik
Deputy Secretary General (Environmental)
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Prof. Dr. Haji Abd. Rahman bin Haji Abd. Rahim
Director-General of Forestry Peninsular Malaysia

Mr. Faizal Parish
Director of Global Environment Centre, and the
Project Technical Advisor of the ASEAN Peatland Forests Project (APFP)

State Forestry Directors

Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia, Division Directors

Head of Federal and States Departments, and

Distinguished Guests,

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

Alhamdulillah, before I begin with my speech allow me to take the opportunity to express my sincere to the organisers, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE), Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM) and Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) for the invitation to deliver this speech and to officiate the ASEAN Peatland Forests Project (APFP) CLOSING SEMINAR: SMARTPARTNERSHIP OUTPUTS AMONG AGENCIES. I also would like to take the opportunity to thank Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan for making yourself available to attend and take part in this seminar.

I was made to understand there are about 120 participants from various agencies at the Federal and State level, private sectors, NGOs and Community Based Organisations (CBOs) are attending in the seminar. Your attendance clearly show your commitment in the effort to strengthen the implementation of the sustainable peatland mangement in Malaysia.

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

For you information, Malaysia is host to the second largest peatland area in ASEAN comprised approximately 2.5 million hectares. Peatlands provide an important economic, social and environmental service to society including climate change mitigation through carbon storage, clean water, flood mitigation, productive agriculture and are an important biodiversity store. However peatlands are increasingly coming under threat due to human impacts, which amongst others include encroachment, loss from wildfire and subsidence from poor land management practices.

One of the most important environmental and socio-economic impacts from peatland management is the issue of extensive peatland fires and associated transboundary haze pollution. To address the issue, the landmark ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution was signed by the ASEAN Member Countries on 10 June 2002 in Kuala Lumpur, and entered into force on 25 November 2003. The Agreement contains provisions on monitoring, assessment and prevention, technical cooperation and scientific research, mechanisms for coordination, lines of communication, and simplified customs and immigration procedures for disaster relief.

As a follow-up, ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy (APMS) was developed to provide a common framework for peatland management in the region for the period 2006-2020. The APMS is a detailed and complex set of ASEAN regional objectives that has developed 13 Focal Areas, 25 Operational objectives and 85 Actions.  Following the development of the APMS each country has been tasked to develop its own National Action Plan for Peatlands (NAPP) to assist and align their national priorities into actions. Malaysia is proud to be one of the first countries in ASEAN having a NAPP endorsed by Cabinet in January 2011, which saw its implementation through this ASEAN Peatland Forest Project (2009-2014). The project was financially supported by International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) / Global Environment Facility (GEF), where NRE acted as the national focal point and the project itself was coordinated by the Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia as the National Project Executing Agency. The ASEAN Secretariat is the APFP project leader and Global Environment Centre (GEC) acting as Regional Project Executing Agency.

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

The APFP project has been in operation across Malaysia since 2010. The immediate goal of the project was to promote the sustainable management of peatlands in Malaysia; through capacity building, fire prevention and control, private sector partnership and demonstration of best management practices. Many of the project activities were undertaken at the pilot site in Selangor, namely the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest. Some of its project outputs and achievements (as I was made aware of) can be summarised as below:-

Establishment of National and State working and steering committees on peatlands;
Further revision of the National Action Plan for Peatlands (NAPP) and development of State Action Plan for Peatlands in Selangor;
Ongoing development of the Fire Danger Rating System (FDRS) and improvements in peatland fire management;
Pilot sites activities related to the development of Integrated Management Plan, peatland rehabilitation and corporative fire management; and
Improved development of community and private company participation in the management and functioning of peatland.

I was informed that there are 3 ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHPs) in existence in Malaysia, whereby none of it include peatland areas. So I would like to suggest that one of our peatland protected area to be nominated as an ASEAN Heritage Park. I was made to understand Maludam National Park in Sarawak is one of the potential site and I hope that the respective parties will work hard to achieve the goal.

Another thing I would like to suggest will be, to encourage the local communities living adjacent to the peatland areas to be involved in activities such as forest rehabilitation programme, monitoring and suppression of peat fire incidences. These communities can also become the eyes and ears of the government in the reporting of any encroachment or illegal activities in the peatland areas. I would like to announce the first CBO on peatland in ASEAN i.e. North Selangor Friends of Peatlands or Sahabat Hutan Gambut Selangor Utara was officially established in Malaysia. I would urge such organisations to be expanded to other major peatland areas in Malaysia.

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

I would like to congratulate Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia for successfully bringing the APFP project to a closure. Thank you for a job well done. On the same note, I hope that the smart partnership programme started under the APFP project which serves to bring together all the related agencies, private sector, research institutions, higher learning institutions, NGOs and CBOs will continue its services under the continuation of this project. NRE as the focal point for APFP will continue in its role to lead this new development with Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia as the national executing agency. I would also like to take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to ASEAN Secretariat for providing the leadership and the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) / Global Environment Facility (GEF) for providing the finance assistance to Malaysian Government to continue the effort for rehabilitation and sustainable management of peatland areas under the APFP.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) recognizes the values and challenges represented by peatlands within their borders and have been actively pursuing increased research, knowledge and improved management practices for peatlands. The success of the APFP project is clearly demonstrated through the development of a long term programme for the Sustainable Management of Peatland Ecosystems (2014-2020) that have the full support by all ASEAN Ministers on Environment, including Malaysia; led by our Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Yang Berhormat Datuk Seri Palanivel Govindasamy. The Sustainable Management of Peatland Ecosystems programme, is currently being translated into several beneficial projects across the region and will further support the implementation of the objectives of the ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy (2006-2020).

I am aware similar exercise is currently being undertaken to prepare the necessary documentation through stakeholder consultations to apply for the necessary allocation for the implementation of Sustainable Management of Peatland Ecosystems programme in Malaysia. I hope NRE can put serious consideration on this application based on the commitment given by our Minister of Natural Resources and Environment to ensure this programme can put into action in 2015.

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

I hope you will take the advantage of this seminar as a platform to present and discuss related outputs and findings from all activities implemented under the APFP. Beside that to share the information and idea between researchers, scientists, public servant, private sector and individual in the management, conservation and preservation of the peatlands biodiversity in our country. I would like to see the results of the seminar to be published and used as a reference that will guide the implementation of ASEAN Programme on SMPE (2015-2020).

Before I end my speech, I would like to congratulate the secretariat jointly Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia and Malaysian Nature Society on the effort and hardwork to make this seminar a success. Not forgetting to all all of you who make yourself available to attend this seminar.

With the sacred words “Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim (In The Name of Allah The Most Merciful and The Most Beneficent)” I am glad to officiate the ASEAN PEATLAND FORESTS PROJECT CLOSING SEMINAR: THE SMART PARTNERSHIP OUTPUT AMONGST AGENCIES.

Thank you.


Assallamualaikum Warahmatullahi-wabarakatuh.


Date: 23 June 2014


Remarks by Director GEC on APFP Closing









Terima kasih Saudari Pengacara Majlis

Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Sri Zoal Azha bin Yusof

Secretary General, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Yang Berbahagia Datuk Dr. Che Abdul Rahim bin Haji Nik

Deputy Secretary General (Environmental) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Prof. Dr. Haji Abd. Rahman bin Haji Abd. Rahim.  Director-General of Forestry Peninsular Malaysia

State Forestry Directors

Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia, Division Directors

Head of Federal and States Departments, and

Distinguished Guests,

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan

On behalf of ASEAN Peatland Forests Project (APFP) and the ASEAN Secretariat let me congratulate Malaysia on the organization of this seminar to signify the completion of the Malaysian Component of the APFP. Malaysia has been a very active and effective participant in the APFP since its initiation four years ago.  This event today is a key time to showcase some of the key outcomes and progress made.

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

South East Asia has more than 60% of the world’s tropical peatlands covering about 25  million hectares. These peatlands are critical in regulating global climate, conserving biodiversity and sustaining water resources and local livelihoods. However many peatlands in the region are being affected by exploitation and unsustainable management practices. Large scale peatland drainage and conversion is responsible for much of the fires and transboundary haze which is one of the most serious regional environmental problems in ASEAN.

In June 2002, ASEAN member states signed the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary haze pollution (AATHP) here in Malaysia to establish the main coordinating mechanism to address transboundary haze. Recognising that management of peatlands was the key to addressing the Haze - The Malaysian Minister at the time Dato Law Hieng Ding – proposed the development of a special ASEAN Initiative on Haze.

Nine months later ASEAN member states established the ASEAN Peatland Management Initiative (APMI) to bring together, government, non government and research institutes to develop a strategy to enhance peatland management and prevention of peatland fires.

In November 2006 - ASEAN Member States  adopted the ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy (2006-2020) – or APMS and updated it in 2013 to provide guidance for collaborative action. In order to support the implementation of the APMS, the ASEAN Secretariat in partnership with the AMS developed the ASEAN peatland Forests project and secured funding from the Global Environment Facility through IFAD. A total of $4.2 million was provided from GEF matched with about $15 million from AMS and other sources. The APFP has five components – Regional, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Viet Nam. Subsequently, the Global Environment Centre (GEC) secured a further grant of Euro 1.7 million (US$2.5 million) for the SEApeat project to expand the scope of the APFP to all AMS and enhance the regional activities.

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

The APFP was initiated in late 2009 and comes to a close in 2014.  Each participating AMS has made good progress and significant results have been achieved.  Each country has made progress at least one pilot site and also some additional demonstration sites. Progress had been made with national action plans,  enhancing capacity for peatland management, preventing peatland fires, engaging multiple government agencies and improving management of targeted sites. At regional level significant improvements have been made with the Peatland fire prediction and warning with the FDRS system strengthened and better promoted and guidelines and BMPs developed. Partnerships and exchanges with the private sector and local communities have also been enhanced and knowledge on peatlands improved.

Although good progress has been made through the APFP and SEApeat - , recent large scale trans-boundary haze events have indicated efforts need to be enhanced further. In September 2013, ASEAN Ministers responsible for the environment endorsed the establishment of  a long term multi-stakeholder Programme for the Sustainable Management of Peatland Ecosystems (2014-2020)

The ASEAN Programme on SMPE 2014-2020, will support collaboration between different stakeholders (including government, private sector, communities and civil society) in the ASEAN Region to achieve the goal of the ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy (APMS, 2006-2020), - namely: To promote sustainable management of peatlands in the ASEAN region through collective actions and enhanced cooperation, to support and sustain local livelihoods, reduce risk of fire and associated haze and contribute to global environment management.

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

The Ministers of the 10 AMS endorsed six  Key targets for the Programme to be achieved by 2020 Conference of Parties of the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze (AATHP)  Surabaya, September 2013 They are:

    All peatland areas in ASEAN identified and inventorised;
    Zero-burning is uniformly practiced  and controlled-burning only used in exceptional cases to prevent any uncontrolled wildfires on peatlands, and eliminate any widespread smoke haze;
    Fire prone sites are rehabilitated by focusing on root causes of fire,
    Peatlands are sustainably managed, sustainable livelihoods enhanced, and sustainable economic use mainstreamed;
    Peatlands are conserved to contribute to significantly reduced emissions of greenhouse gases and increased peatland biodiversity in the region;
    APMS and National Action Plans on peatlands are implemented; national and regional capacity is enhanced.

The ASEAN Secretariat in conjunction with the ASEAN Member States (AMS), with technical support from the Global Environment Centre, is currently in the process of elaborating the new Programme.

Preparatory meetings were held with AMS and more than 15  potential Partner organisations in December 2013 and April 2014.

Approximately US$250 million of ongoing and planned projects and activities have been identified by Member States and partners for inclusion in the Programme framework.

Organisations which are currently implementing or planning activities in the ASEAN region related to peatlands are encouraged to link their planned activities with the Programme.

Benefits of including projects and activities in the programme include:

•    Enhancing synergy and avoiding duplication of actions by different partners and countries

•    Sharing experiences and best practices

•    Linking and reporting progress to high level meetings of  ASEAN Member States

•    Scaling up action through collaborative action.

•    Joint mobilisation of resources

It has been agreed that the bulk of resources for implementing the programme should come from National investments from the AMS in line with their respective national Action plans on peatland.  To supplement this it is hoped that the international community will support the programme.  The European Union has committed in principle Euro 20 million and  potentially US$30 million could be drawn from GEF 6 resources (2014-2018).

Over the past few weeks a Malaysian multi-stakeholder group has identified RM250 million of priority activities for support under the Programme and initial discussions have been held with the European Union for support.  There will be a meeting of AMS and EU in Jakarta next week on 1-2 July, to discuss further options of EU support.   It is however clear that the majority of investments for peatland management in Malaysia will need to come from national sources. It will be important that all relevant agencies include Peatland related issues in their requests for funding in the remainder of RMK10 and RMK11.  The MNRE should play a key role in coordinating this process.

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’, Tuan-tuan and Puan-puan,

Finally we should recognize that this year we are facing significant challenges in peatland management as a result of the unprecedented dry weather.  Earlier this year we had 80 days without rain and as a result had the worst fire season ever with more than 2000 hotspots recorded in peninsular Malaysia between January-May – more than any other year on record.  Riau also had its worst fire season with more than 4000 hotspots – but fortunately the wind was blocking the smoke away from Malaysia.

However we will not be so lucky in the coming months. Currently almost all of Peninsular Malaysia is in High or Extreme Fire Danger with fires already burning in peatlands in southern Selangor. Hundreds of fires are burning in Sumatra and smoke from Sumatra has already reached Port Klang yesterday with the API reaching unhealthy levels.  We are expecting the El Nino this year with a predicted 20-40% reduction in rainfall in coming months.   I am happy to hear of the resources being made by MNRE and DOE for fire prevention  and control infrastructure – but it will be necessary for agencies at all levels to allocate resources and manpower for prevention and control measures at fire prone peatlands in the coming months.

Finally on behalf of the ASEAN Secretariat and GEC  I would like to thank the many agencies in Malaysia who have worked together to make the APFP a success as well as IFAD-GEF and EU who have contributed resources.  I look forward to hear the feedback today on the specific outputs and achievements.

I hope that the achievements of the first phase will provide a good foundation and partnership to scale up the efforts over the next 7 years to meet the Targets of the ASEAN programme on Sustainable Management of Peatland Ecosystems.

Thank you very much.



Date: 23 June 2014


Puisi - Ingatan Mendalam Lagi Setiap AidilFitri

Setiap Aidilfitri yang berkunjung lagi,
mengalir air mata ini
Ibu dan ayahku..

Sebaknya nya kurasa
sungguh mencengkam jiwa
siapalah yang tahu
senduku sayu menyayat kalbu

terasa panas jejarimu
kusambut dalam salam syahdu
terasa lagi pelukanmu
Ketika memaafkan salah lakuku

Setiap tahun berlalu
kita bersama selalu
melayan tetamu,
Melihat kerenah anak buah
menjamu kuih dan juadah.

Kini ketika berkunjung di pusara,
ku usap batu penanda
sambil menghadiahkan
Ummu Alquran
Dengan sebak yang tertekan
Kupohon doa padamu Tuhan,
'Semoga mereka dipilih ke syurgamu
Di alam baqa..'

Telah ku cuba dan cuba
sedaya upaya
tepikan rasa hiba
ayahnda bonda,
namun kau datang lagi
setiap hari
rinduku meninggi,
Setiap Aidil fitri..


Puisi - Pasrah Ramadhan (Ogos 2011)

Dalam amalan mendekati perintahmu Ya Allah,
Aku pasrah...segala ujian yang mungkin menyapu dosa nan lalu.
Maka aku sujud,
Dalam setiap solat,
dalam setiap tahjud.
pohon Kau ampun,
semua sanggahku yang terhimpun.

Setiap ayatMu,
Setiap perintahMu,
Dalam kitabMu AlQuran,
Kau atur untuk panduan....Setiap insan.
Sunah Rasulmu,
Membimbing kami umatMu,
Ke jalan yang kau redai(redhai),
bekalan Ke alam yang abadi.....

Ampunilah aku ya Rabbi,
Berikanlah aku sinar,
Menempuh jalan sehala ini,
Berikan aku hidup yang sihat,
Tenaga yang kuat,
Untuk terus beribadat,
pasrah dengan keluhuran hati...

Hingga sampai waktunya,
Ketika dihampiri masanya,
Aku akan bersedia ke sana,
Ke alam kekal,
bersemadi buat selama-lamanya...

Ramadan Ogos 2011


Puisi - Ramadhan (Ogos 2010)

Bulan yang diturunkan alquran
Bulan ramadan dan bulan barakah
ramadan almubarak

kedatangan mu ditunggu penuh harapan
dan ketibaanmu kami mulia dan raikan
para abidin dan solehan berpesta
peluang beribadat pada yang esa
aku bersyukur padamu ya allah
kerana diberikan kesempatan menemui ramadan kali ini
aku berharap engkau bukalah pintu keampunanmu
dan rahmatmu untuk ku
dan izinkan lagi bagiku bertemu ramadan dan seterusnya

setiap tahun kau datang
hanya sebulan bersamaku
membawa bersamamu lailatul qadar
dan kau akan pergi lagi
diiringi tangisan para abidin dan solehin

lupalah peristiwa dulu
maafkan aku mengherdikmu
kini aku senang bersamamu
aku lebih rela dan redha
datanglah kepadaku
aku akan memeluk ciummu

Aug 2010


Puisi - Ketika

Desah nafas sudah bukan lagi milik sendiri
Di manakah suara yang sekian waktu
Menjadi bicara
yang mengatur kata

lontaran ucap tertinggal di tepi hatimu
di manakah di kau merebahkan lena
sedang kalkatu anai-anai masih galak
mengejar bebayang senja
yang menyingkap dada malam

Denai yang berlumpur disirat mentari
pijarnya menyentap seluruh diri
di manakah teriknya pantulan renungan makrifat diri
yang polos
genggaman yang lerai

Aku mentasbihkan zikir rindu
Siapakah yang mencantas hiba
dari relung hatiku
yang semakin payal

Rahsia Pengembara Beg Galas di Sarawak

Menara Tinjau Ulu Assam
Masing-masing mempunyai rahsia yang tidak pernah diceritakan kepada sesiapa. Ya !!!, itu barulah rahsia sampai ke mati akan dipegang dan disimpan walau apa nilainya tidak akan dapat dibeli oleh sesiapa (jika Allah izinkan). Biar pecah di perut jangan di mulut.

Apa yang akan aku tuliskan adalah rahsia antara rahsiaku yang banyak dalam pengembaraanku berbeg galas di Sarawak. Namun dalam perjalanan ku dari suatu daerah dan bandar di Sarawak, ini adalah perjalanan yang akan paling aku kenang dalam hidupku dan menjadi antara rahsiaku. March adalah bulan pada tahun 2010. Air Asia, kapal terbang yang ku naiki tiba di Kuching. Seingat aku, perjalananku diteruskan ke Saratok pada hari yang sama dengan seorang teman yang berasal dari Johor dan bekerja sebagai Jurujual FELCRA sudi membawaku ke sana. Kenderaan pacuan 4 roda yang dipandunya terus meninggalkan Kuching pada petang itu menuju ke Saratok. Agak jauh perjalanannya sehingga aku terlena dengan beralaskan beg sandangku yang berisi komputer riba untuk ku gunakan untuk membuat laporan ketika waktu senggang di lapangan. Selepas berhenti di sebuah restoran di kawasan pendalaman, Sarawak dan sampai di Saratok pada lewat lewat senja.

Misi ke Saratok adalah untuk organisasi tempat ku bekerja. Kali ini bagi menyertai program yang diinisiatifkan oleh program TUNAS MPOB yang dinamai "Program Pemimpin bersama Pekebun Kecil" disempurnakan oleh Y.B Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, Menteri di Kementerian Perusahaan Perladangan dan Komoditi pada masa itu. Setelah usai program aku harus ke utara Sarawak untuk bertemu dengan Abang Beniyamin di Sibu. Perjalanan mengambil masa seharian, maklumlah tiada kenderaan yang aku boleh perolehi melainkan kenderaan awam.

Sukar untuk mendapatkan kenderaan awam dalam perjalananku dari Saratok ke Sibu. En Arif, pegawai TUNAS ada memberitahu aku boleh mendapatkan kenderaan sapu (sistem pengangkutan tanpa lesen) boleh diambil dari jalan besar menuju ke Sibu. Namun berat hatiku untuk menggunakan kenderaan ini tidak seperti biasa sikap oportunis seorang pengembara ambil apa sahaja yang ada di hadapan mata. Mengapa ?. itu adalah rahsiaku.

Perjalanan aku teruskan. Bas mini yang aku pilih diambil dari stesen bas Saratok walaupun aku harus berjalan jauh menuju ke sana. Penat sedikit tidak mengapa asalkan lebih terjamin selamat perjalanannya. Cuaca yang panas terik serta kepayahan mendapatkan kenderaan tidak dihirau kerana selepas sampai di Sibu aku harus mendapatkan bot ekspress untuk ke sebuah kawasan pendalaman iaitu Daro. Peringkat awal aku bercadang untuk bermalam di hotel zuhra setibanya sampai di Sibu. Bersembang dengan 2 orang Pak Zainal dan bercerita pasal masa lalu yang tidak pernah aku dengar pasal Sibu. Pak Zainal yang pertama adik kepada pemilik hotel. Seorang bekas polis di Sibu sebelum berhenti dan menyertai abangnya mengendali Hotel Zuhra yang terletak di Jalan Kampung Nyabor. Hotel ini adalah satu di Sibu yang dimiliki oleh Melayu Islam Sarawak. Pak Zainal yang ke dua adalah penyelia dapur di hotel berkenaan yang berasal dari Singapura. Istimewa makanan di sini adalah "mee hoon sup ala Singapore". Cerita Kg Melayu Singapura menjadi tajuk utama dan yang paling menarik adalah Makam Habib Noh atau nama sebenarnya Syed Habib Noh Al Habsyi lahir di Singapura pada tahun 1788 atau 1202 Hijrah sejurus sebelum kapal yang membawa ibunya yang mengandungkan beliau tiba di Singapura. Adalah dipercayai beliau mempunyai pertalian secara langsung dengan keturunan Rasulullah. Datuk beliau berasal daripada Yamen dan berketurunan Hadrul Maut manakala ayahnya Habib Mohamad pernah bertugas di istana ketika zaman kesultanan Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Halim Shah II Kedah. Banyak yang diperkatakan oleh Pak Zainal berhubung Habib Noh dan saya rasa ada rahsia yang tersembunyi berkaitan beliau kerana perinciannya yang amat mendalam. Antara yang amat menarik tentang aktiviti Habib Noh adalah tumpuannya dalam memberi syiar islam di seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia.

Pada petang itu, saya tidak bermalam di Zuhra. Perjalanan harus diteruskan. Staf Abg Ben sudah menunggu di Daro dengan pacuan 4 rodanya untuk masuk ke Kem Lassa. Kawasan yang dimilikki oleh Syarikat Perladangan Kelapa Sawit Jayatiasa. Data-data perkembangan vegetasi tanam semula pokok sawit harus diambil secara berkala sebelum menghasilkan laporan terperinci tentang keberkesanannya. Perjalananku ke Daro mengambil masa hampir 3 jam melalui jalan air. Perjalanan yang agak singkat jika aku menggunakan jalan darat yang sekurang-kurangnya mengambil masa 5 jam untuk ke sana bergantung kepada keadaaan jalan.


Ketibaanku di Daro  sekitar waktu senja. Beg galas yang ku simpan di burit bot ekspress ku ambil dan ku sandang lalu keluar menyelusuri tepian bot dan melangkau beberapa bot yang lain. Abg Ben tiada kali ini tapi Pengurus Ladang Lassa bersama pembantunya telah ku lihat berada di jeti tersenyum memandangku. Aku balas semula senyumannya.

"Weih aku lapar la. Lama tak pekena mee kolok istimewa Daro", "Ikan terubuk ko tak nak ?." "Banyak tulang la bro, tapi nanti aku cari la ikan terubuk masin buat ole ole balik semenanjung"

Daro memang terkenal dengan ikan terubuk. Kawasan yang berdekatan dengan laut ini amat kaya dengan hasil laut dan boleh didapati dengan harga yang murah. Mee Kolok Daro amat istimewa malah jika aku bandingkan dengan yang dihidangkan di pasar Satok, Kuching amat jauh berbeza. Udang serta makanan laun yang lain dihidangkan amat berbaloi dengan harganya. Masyarakatnya pula peramah yang rata-rata tergolong dalam suku kaum Melanau muslim. Jadi aku tak peru rasa risau dengan status makanan yang dihidangkan di sini.

Ketika melalui kawasan terminal penumpang Daro, aku tertarik dengan sebuah tugu berbentuk ikan yang menjadi mercu tanda pekan Daro.Uniknya pekan Daro ialah ia dilatari oleh bangunan lama dan bangunan baru. Ini menjadikan pekan Daro kelihatan moden namun masih mengekalkan suasana lama. Kemudahan asas di pekan ini juga agak lengkap. Beberapa buah stesyen minyak lama masih beroperasi disini. Walaupun tidak mempunyai kemudahan balai bomba, namun pekan Daro masih boleh berbangga kerana mempunyai unit bomba sukarelanya yang tersendiri. Sebuah pasar awam yang besar juga menjadi akses penting kepada penduduk Daro untuk mendapatkan barangan makanan harian.

Perjalanan diteruskan sehinggalah malam menjelma di kedaerahan Daro, Jalan Daro ke Matu kami lalui dan menyelusuri ladang milik Tradewind sebelum sampai ke kem perladangan.



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